Happy Dinosaur: The Athlete, Obviously
The Personality Palette Happy Dinosaur color generator is new and improved!
For those of you who have seen my Instagram, you may have seen a few images of Personality Palette Happy Dinosaurs. These dinosaurs have a pre-determined color palette that is selected for you as a result of taking a short Personality Palette Quiz. Version 0 of the quiz, which was fully designed on Python by my CS major roommate, Shreya, was made over the summer into a functional button-and-answer style quiz…the only problem—everyone was a Sporty Dinosaur.
I didn’t want to have too many questions in the quiz because complication can make customers uninterested…but there is a risk of having so few questions that the results are not specific. No matter the combination, almost 40-50% of people who took the quiz resulted in “Sporty Dinosaur,” whether or not they agreed with their result. Some results came out exactly how the quiz-taker saw themselves, but I wanted to improve the coding.
There are now four new results and a few more multiple choice questions to help make more specific results. I encourage everyone to try the new quiz and see if you agree with your results! Please see the link below to take the quiz! (My website is a work in progress!! If you want to buy your Personality Palette Dinosaur, please direct message me on Instagram or send me an email!)
Above: The Adventure Dinosaur!